Green Logistics

Green logistics includes any business actions that minimises the environmental impact of the logistics network and delivery. Sustainable logistics or green logistics starts with a concern for the well-being of the planet. Intelligent businesses are rushing to adopt sustainable logistics management,using powerful technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and analytics.

As customers (both businesses and consumers) wants to be part of this movement and are quickly shifting loyalties to companies that demonstrate significant steps toward a sustainable future.


Circular Supply Chain

A circular supply chain involves a company reusing or repurposing waste and customer returns to convert those into new or refurbished products. A circular supply chain aims to minimize the use of raw materials and minimize discarded waste materials.

electric vehicle

Electric Vehicles

At less than half the cost per KM for electricity as for gas or diesel, and without any need for tune-ups or oil changes, Electric Vehicles have lower operating costs and less downtime. One quarter of carbon emmissions from energy related carbon emmissions is the contribution of transport sector and hence electrifiction of transport sector is very critical in Green logistic


Route Optimization

By incorporating intelligence into real-time route planning, companies can increase delivery speed and minimise fuel consumption. Load pooling: A growing trend in optimised supply chain management sees similar (even competitive) companies working together to pool their warehouse and logistics resources.